Fuzz-Free February With DMK Alkaline Wash

When you run your hand over your cheeks and jawline towards your ears, do you feel the fuzz? This is called vellus hair, also known as 'peach fuzz'. This short, thin and light-coloured hair is barely noticeable, but if you are after seamless makeup application and a smooth complexion, the DMK Alkaline Wash treatment might be for you. Here's what our Patient Coordinator, Clare, had to say about her favourite treatment
Why I like the DMK Alkaline Wash
As I am quite 'fluffy' I really love the DMK Alkaline Wash treatment. It works by gradually reducing the fine, downy hair that I have on my face. I have been having this treatment alongside electrolysis, which removes some of the thicker and coarser hair on my chin.
How does the DMK Alkaline Wash work?
DMK Alkaline Wash dissolves fine, downy hair to leave skin super smooth and hair-free. This type of hair (vellus) is often difficult or near impossible to remove using traditional hair removal methods such as laser or electrolysis, as the hair is so fine, the areas of growth are usually quite dense and the hair is also lighter.
DMK Alkaline Wash can be used to remove large areas of hair in one treatment without any pain or discomfort. The treatment takes approximately half an hour and a patch test is carried out on the area to be treated 48 hours prior to the first treatment, to ensure skin is suitable. There is absolutely no pain and minimal downtime with this treatment, however the skin may appear red and warm for a short period of time afterwards, but this will subside quickly.[masterslider id="8"]
How many DMK Alkaline Wash treatments will I need?
A course of DMK Alkaline Wash treatments is usually recommended with 4-6 weeks between each treatment, however this is individual to each patient. At your initial consultation, our expert clinicians will be able to assess your skin and make a recommendation on the number of treatments required.After the initial treatment, hair tends to grow back at its normal rate, however as the number of treatments progresses, the hair re-growth rate will slow down. During this time, the hair will weaken, which usually results in a permanent loss over a period of time.What products should I use after the DMK Alkaline Wash treatment?
There are specific products that must be used for a few days after the DMK Alkaline Wash treatment. First up is DMK Herb and Mineral Mist, this unique mineral and vitamin formulation when absorbed into the skin, assists with tissue hydration and the deep penetration of Danne cremes and serums.Next is DMK Seba E Oil, which is the closest replication of skin's natural sebum and works to hydrate and revive skin's acid mantle with a natural blend of botanical oils and tocopherols. The Seba E Oil is formulated to work alongside the Herb and Mineral Mist.
Are you ready to de-fuzz your 'peach fuzz'? For more information and to book your FREE consultation, call 0113 282 7744, email info@facethefuture.co.uk, or book online.
Written for you by: Clare Nicholson, Face the Future
Image source: freepik.com
Treatment images: dmk-uk.com